Project Team | Maggie Ma, Daniel Zhu, Adam Grant

Class & Advisor: Kyuha Shim, Computational Design Thinking (Fall '21)

Project Duration: 8 Weeks

Synthesizing data from **NYT Cooking and Google Trends, “**Favorite Foods by the Months” is a virtual recipe resource that visualizes the most popular dishes by month.

Play with the interactive website here

Intro Slide.jpg

Final Demo


  1. About 800 foods and 2500 total recipes, ordered by most popular on top in black, and descending in popularity and opacity (based on Google Trends).
  2. Clicking on a food name expands a list of all NYT recipes under that name. Users can select from the nested scroll based on images from the NYT website.
  3. Clicking on a specific recipe provides users with an overview of the recipe: serving size and cook time. Tags of identification are also indicated and taken directly from NYT Cooking.
  4. Users can then read reviews of each recipe: an element of surprise and humor to the experience.
  5. “Learn More” directs users to the recipe on NYT Cooking.